
Last words

Early in this semester we start making serial blogs. And I think that is one of the most beautiful ways to keep improving on English because you can express yourself, find ways to code your own feelings and then creating new sentences according to what we want to say, also is cute when I can talk a little about my own life, my hobbies and thinks that I like with emotion and there are people listening with attention. And I think that everyone enjoys that too. So, we must do the treat that we want too. And that is the other part of the reason of benefits of blogs and is the possibilities of communication and feedback in mutual interactions, this is the real improvement listening, talking, creating by the situation all at the same time. Giving the opportunities of a conversation and social interacting are interesting ways to get an approach of have the language like a natural way of life. I think that this is the best way for me to keep improving on this getting more communication and cas

Changes to my study program

  From now all the critics make to the study program for a university like this big are almost in vain, I think. Starting with the little experience in the real Forestry world. Now is a window of opportunity to present some ideas that I would like. First of all our learning need terrain and practice work, not only in forest and plantation, add the laboratory and even street. So basically, we need to go more often outside and learn practical things doing it, sometimes we spend a lot of effort on theorical work and then they add the practice making a overload of work and hitting in energy of students feeling tired. Our work is hard and we need to learn how to make health distribution, not meaning all free time but to improve rest and relief and good nutrition to take over the tasks. We are not machines adapted to the tight times to make all the work in just one day with just bread and juice, all the kitchens workers are fine, but the management can spend some more healthy and recoverin

T I M E . M A C H I N E

  Is hard to think in some impossible things because there is just fantasy but sometimes our imagination gets out of control and takes natural flows to create some crazy stories. Now let´s talk the truth who doesn´t think in any moment imagine how could be travel in time to the past and the future? I do. Usually there are good forms to think in different times like to remember and find the keys or plan and programming in long terms with objectives. But there are also bad ways to travel like for the anxiety, worried or the regret that sometimes gives you the wish to change the actions of past. Now I always try to put my feet on the ground and the past is already done, the present is happening now, but future is important to have in count because nothing is written, future can be anything and the present and every day is going to count on the future situation. Some old people say: “you harvest what you spread” I want a bright and thriving future with green energy and fuels thanks to

My future job

A job certainly doesn´t make all the meaning of a person because we can change it in any moment of our life. In other part there is people that still is unhappy in our world for a lot of jobs that are needed in the system and people that needs money in urge. For my part I think that I´m on my way to reach my dream job. I make this crucial decision at my sixteen years old telling myself a mystic spell saying: “I want to make my land green again like it was in the past. Restore the landscape and the flow in the rivers. For that I even want the objective to protect and restore the glacier, snow, and ice lands. And put an end to the extreme dryness”. And that’s the beginning in a road to university and try to make a place in job in Forest Ecology areas, taking me more on outdoor and terrain situations more than office works and that’s really the expression of my happiness with these objectives getting acquired. Is crazy sometimes to think about it cause in past times I used to want a job l

A person would I like to meet

 What are the possibilities that a person get famous? At what level? It will be fine to live with that? Will be hated, loved or put polemic discussions in the table?  In our life we meet a lot of people, and sometimes we can interact with "famous people" sometimes the heroes we admire, but maybe is improbably and that depends on the subjective concept of fame that we have. That's why we start talking a reflexion about the definition of this particular word "famous". Maybe you will get famous in one time, maybe just for a minute. But if i can choose just one to travel and meet, like some kind of meet and greet, i would choose a hero for me, in that case, i choose the greatest mangaka of all time, Akira Toriyama. Yes definitely him. If you know him you already know why is so important. He chenged the history of manga forever, is the creator of the first japanese story with worldwide success, everyone knows Dragon Ball and nobody can deny the success that gets. Is

My favorite program in my childhood

 What is your answer when someone asks you what´s your favorite childhood program? I thing is a hard ranking to do because there are so many great TV shows and we all grow with the domination of TV like entretainment way. If i can put my favorite programs there are all in Cartoon Network early 2000, with classics like The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Ed, Edd n Eddy and even more classics like Looney Tunes, see what i´m talking about? there are so many! and all depends of your own taste. Even in that epoch Nickelodeon have good shows too like Hey Arnold! but i must confess that in most of my life i didn´t have TV cable but Open Television has great programation too like 31 minutos, Diego y Glot good national productions or the program Invasion that gives a lot of Japanese animation.  But if i can prefere my favorite of all of them there are two: Dexter´s Laboratory and Tom and Jerry for all through the years every single time that i see them, it gives me good laughs everytime.

The best concert

 Hi to everyone!. Is hard and easy to say what is the best live concert i ever seen in my life because i have a few concerts in my life. Mostly cause i am from the country side and the recitals of bands that i like don´t come. Except for some annually free concerts known as the "Fiesta de la challa" where i can see Chancho en Piedra, Los Autenticos Decadentes and others or some reggeaton artist that presents in the local discotheque. But if i can put the best of all, is the first that i can achieve with my effort and is a festival called "La Cumbre del Rock Chileno" there was a lot of chilean talent artist like Weichafe, Nano Stern and other genres of music that i discover that night like Mon Laferte giving me a  great surprise with the quality of her voice. The presentation was very special cause there was a lot of artist and bands in just one day, even requiring two scenarios and all with chilean talents and artist. Also it was the first concert with my girlfriend